
Welcome point for UniPV students: http://wcm-3.unipv.it/site/home/internazionalizzazione/attivita/articolo3971.html

UNIPV Student Services: https://web-en.unipv.it/

How to get to Pavia: http://www.unipv.eu/site/en/home/international-students/living-in-pavia/how-to-get-to-pavia.html

Accommodation: http://www.unipv.eu/site/en/home/international-students/student-services/accommodation.html

News UniPV: http://news.unipv.it

Basic information on your Residence Permit of Stay (non-EU students).

The Permit of Stay generally lasts one year and must be renewed at least 60 days before it expires.

Non-EU students waiting for the renewal of their permit to stay can require a temporary permit to stay (“permesso di soggiorno provvisorio” ) on condition that they have a valid reason for leaving (e.g., participation at conventions, conferences, summer schools, etc.) and that they come back to Italy before the issue of their permit to stay.

PhD students have to go to the police station at least 30 days before leaving with the following original documents and their copies: