International Awards


In 2023, Sofia Botti, Ph.D. student of the XXXV cycle, was awarded a two-year Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Postdoctoral Fellowship, for her project titled Cell-by-cell and bidomain models for cardiac derived stem cell tissue: innovative numerical and deep learning tools for regenerative medicine. This project aims to develop a novel and accurate mathematical and numerical framework for simulating the electrical activity of cardiac-derived stem cell tissues.

Press: Il Cittadino di Lodi, 01/08/2023

Premio Giovani Talenti - Milano Bicocca

In December 10th, 2024, Sergio Alejandro Gómez, Ph.D. student of the XXXVI cycle, won an important prize for young talents, for a research entitled  “Per gli interessanti studi per i metodi agli elementi virtuali applicati e per i metodi di Faedo-Galerkin (anche discontinui) applicati ad equazioni paraboliche semilineari”.

News: Premio Giovani Talenti

THIRD place at AIMMS-MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition 2024

The modeling competition problem was focused on designing a fully renewable integrated energy system, using green hydrogen and fuel cells to provide baseload stability in conjunction with intermittent renewable sources. Gabor Riccardi and Bianca Urso, advised by Stefano Gualandi, won the third-place award.


Sara Cambiaghi won second place at the "Steve Gallivan Award" poster competition of the 50th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operations Research Applied to Health Service, held in Turin. She presented a work entitled A stochastic optimization approach for scheduling CT scans and reports

UniPv News: Machine Learning, la dottoranda Sara Cambiaghi dell'Università di Pavia premiata a conferenza internazionale

Press: Provincia Pavese


For their visiting period in Delft, A.M. Bernardelli and S. Milanesi won a TAILOR grant. TAILOR is a vibrant network whose task is to connect all the best European AI labs and we could not be more excited to be a part of it. #WeAreTAILOR

Second place at AIMMS-MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition 2022

We were tasked to develop an efficient and implementable optimization model with a user interface. The goal was to find the best solutions for surgery scheduling in flexible operating rooms under uncertainty. Ambrogio Bernardelli, Lorenzo Bonasera, and Eleonora Vercesi, advised by Davide Duma, won the second-place award.

News UniPv: Ottimizzazione delle sale operatorie: team Unipv 2° classificato in una competizione internazionale

Press: Provincia Pavese