[pdf] Regolamento del Dottorato di ricerca in Computational Mathematics, Learning, and Data Science – UniPv, USI e FBK
[pdf] Regolamento missioni UniPv (per le altri sedi USI e FBK contattare le rispettive segreterie)
Documenti utili
[pdf] Slide di presentazione del dottorato, Welcome Day, Novembre 2024
Link a documenti utili
Paul Halmos on writing mathematics, giving talks, teaching, and more
Ennio De Giorgi. Anche la scienza ha bisogno di sognare, a cura di F. Bassani, C. Sbordone, A. Marino, Plus, 2002
Tips for first-year PhD students
Twenty things I wish I’d known when I started my PhD, Nature Career Column, 06 November 2018
Giving math talks
How to talk Mathematics by Paul Halmos, Notices of the AMS (1974) 21:3 155-158
How to Give a Good Colloquium, by John E. McCarthy.
Advice on giving a math talk by Terry Tao
The (martial) art of giving talks by Matilde Marcolli (Caltech)
Writing math papers
Nick Higham, Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, Third Ed., SIAM, 2020
Advice on paper writing by Terry Tao
Rules to write a good research paper by Daniel Lemire
Writing a Scientific Abstract