Computational Mathematics, Learning, and Data Science
Joint PhD program UniPV - USI - FBK
Admission for the next cycle will be announced in May 2025
Models, mathematics, statistics, data and algorithms are the foundations of our digital world. Computational methods and mathematical analysis are increasingly used for simulation, prediction, data evaluation, analysis, risk assessment, development, and optimization in virtually every field of Science, including Chemistry, Medicine, and Biology.
The PhD in “Computational Mathematics, Learning, and Data Science ” aims to offer graduate students solid skills in Computational Mathematics, Computational Physics, Scientific Computing, Statistics, Optimization, Machine Learning, and Data Sciences, as well as an interdisciplinary view of Applied Mathematics, Physics, and decision processes under uncertainty. The acquired methodological skills will also be used to answer scientific questions in real-world data. The program provides solid theoretical and computational grounding for high-level research in universities, international research institutions, and industry.
This international PhD program is organized jointly with the Euler Institute of the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) and the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK). It is also a multidisciplinary PhD program with Faculty from the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Political Sciences, Brain and Behavioral Sciences of UniPV and the Fondazione Mondino IRCCS, the IMATI-CNR Institute, and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).